Monday 2 February 2015

Cog O Two Templates Painting Guide

I have seen on Facebook that a lot of people ask about how to paint their custom X-Wing tokens and templates.
Here in the UK the best company for these is
They have a wide selection of different templates and tokens in various different colours of acrylic.
(I am in no way affiliated with cogotwo at all, I just think they provide a great product and service)

You don't have to paint them, but they do look a lot better if you do.
They are very easy to do and I going to go over how I painted my 3rd set.

The first thing you'll need is some acrylic paint and a brush.

Here I have some different paints, Vallejo, Army Painter, and Citadel and a few brushes, like Windsor and Newton, Citadel, Army Painter and a cheapo craft brush. Any of these would be fine and should be available from local model shops. In my opinion Army Painter is very good value for money. 

What colour you choose is up to you. Obviously white is very popular but that's the great thing about the cogotwo templates, you can have whatever colour you want. For my black templates I will be using Vallejo Model Air Gold. 

You will also need something to act as a palette and a water jar.
I have a round dish palette and a Citadel water jar but an old CD and a glass jar works just as good. 

The templates come with a protective paper film and it is easier to paint them with this still on, as you can just paint them and when dry you can just remove the film. 

You will need to thin the paint slightly before painting onto the templates as it will allow the paint to flow easier, different paints require different amounts of thinning but you won't need much. If it's too thin you will get poor coverage, if so, do another layer, 2 thin layers are always better than 1 thick layer. 

Just take your time and paint all the lasered out numbers, etc. Try not to let your paint dry out by adding small amounts of water with your brush as you paint. 

Give them all 1 or 2 coats of paint (or more depending on colour choice) and let them dry. It shouldn't take long, 5 or 10 mins. Then pull off the protective paper and you should be left with some beautiful painted templates. 

If for any reason the protective  paper didn't do it job properly anywhere, just use your thumbnail to pick the paint and it should come right off. 

And there you have it. Some expertly made and beautiful custom X-Wing templates.

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